Simplifying Personal Finance.
Effortlessly share expenses with others, sync to Google Sheets, manage your budgets and track recurring costs!
Trusted by the best
communities for personal finance.
Your Personal Finance Hub, built by you
We created because managing your finances shouldn’t feel overwhelming, expensive, or out of reach. Tired of bloated apps that overcharge and overcomplicate, we set out to build something different—something truly for everyone.
Coney is more than just an app; it’s your trusted hub for managing your financial life. From tracking expenses and income, to keeping an eye on recurring subscriptions, creating budgets, and forecasting for the future, we’re here to make financial clarity accessible.
And we’re not stopping there. Soon, you’ll also be able to monitor your investments, track your wealth, and manage your assets—all in one place.
We’re building more than a tool; we’re building a promise: to empower you, simplify your finances, and help you create the life you deserve.
Founder & Developer
Why Coney?
Track your expenses
Manually keep track of your expenses, incomes and reimbursements with ease.
Share expenses
Share expenses with others and monitor your balance and debts.
Get insights
Get advanced insights into your spending habits and track your savings.
Sync to Google Sheet
Sync and backup your expenses to a Google Sheet.
Financial Routines
Create recurring expenses to track mortgages, bills and subscriptions.
Manage Budgets
Set and manage budgets for different spending categories.
Track your recurring finances
Stay on top of your recurring expenses and income. Manage payments, subscriptions, and forecasts with ease.
- All your subscriptions, paychecks, and recurring bills organized in one place.
- Get a clear forecast of upcoming payments and incomes for the months ahead.
- Automatically share recurring expenses and see what you owe your friends in real-time.
- Analyze spending trends to make smarter financial decisions.
Sync with Google Sheets
Real-time sync all expenses to a Google Sheet to empower your finances, collaborate with others, create personalized reports.
- Custom analysis with personalized reports.
- Integrate data with other services for a comprehensive view.
- Safely backup and access data from anywhere.
- Collaborate on budgeting and planning.
Gain insight of your spending habits
Empower yourself with an insightful dashboard featuring charts to analyze expenses, track recurring costs, and manage your budget efficiently.
- Visualize expenses with easy-to-understand charts.
- Optimize budget by tracking recurring expenses.
- Efficiently manage personal finances from a central hub.
- Increase financial awareness and make informed decisions.
Dive into the Demo!
Explore all our features in a fully interactive demo account, with no changes saved.
Choose your plan
Choose a paid plan to unlock all features and get deeper insights into your expenses and income.
Your support helps us provide a reliable product, add new features, and keep Coney running smoothly.
Amateur Budgeter
Coney for free, no Credit Card required.$ 0 / month
Sign up to activate- Groups
- One-time Transactions
- Recurring Transactions
- Google Sheet Sync
- Budgets (up to 4)
- Import Transactions
- Voice Transactions
- Advanced Insights
- VAT Tracking
- File Attachments
Meticulous Budgeter
For the meticulous budgeter in you! Insights and unlimited budgets.$ 4 / month
Subscribe now- Groups
- One-time Transactions
- Recurring Transactions
- Google Sheet Sync
- Budgets
- Advanced Insights
- Import Transactions
- Voice Transactions
- VAT Tracking
- File Attachments
Meticulous Budgeter
Coney at its best, for a smaller price!$ 35 / year $ 48 / year
Subscribe now- Groups
- One-time Transactions
- Recurring Transactions
- Google Sheet Sync
- Budgets
- Import Transactions
- Voice Transactions
- Advanced Insights
- VAT Tracking
- File Attachments
Prices include tax. We don’t store any card information as payments are securely handled by Stripe.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are banking transactions automatically synced?
Automatic bank transaction gathering is currently in progress and is scheduled to be released in 2024. Stay tuned for seamless integration and enhanced financial tracking capabilities!
Can I add or edit expenses directly on Google Sheets, and will they sync to Coney?
To ensure security, transactions sync only one way: from Coney to Google Sheets. Changes made directly in Google Sheets won’t sync back to Coney and may cause data mismatches or be overwritten when Coney updates the sheet. For custom charts or statistics, we recommend using a separate worksheet that references data from the Coney worksheet.
How can I install the app on my smartphone?
Our website is a Progressive Web App (PWA) , which you can easily install directly to your smartphone!
Open the Website on your mobile browser and click on the browser menu and select “Install App” inside the menu on the top right corner.
Alternatively, look for the “Add to Home Screen” prompt or access the browser menu and select “Add to Home Screen”.
This ensures a consistent experience across both desktop and mobile devices. Everything you do on your computer can be done just as easily on your smartphone—with no noticeable difference! Plus quick access, minimal storage usage, seamless updates, and enhanced security.